domingo, 17 de mayo de 2015

Electricity in our lives

I've prepared a unit about "Electricity"

Subject: Technologies


Introduction: We may not be able to touch electricity, but it touches our lives every day. We use more electricity today than ever before. Electricity keeps us warm in the winter and cool in the summer, preserves our food, powers our entertainment, and enables us to live more comfortably.

Learning outcomes: 
  • Recognise that an electric circuit consisting of an energy source (battery) and other circuit components (wire, bulb, switch) forms an electrical system.
  • Show an understanding that a current can only flow in a closed circuit.
  • Identify electrical conductors and insulators.
  • Know that we can use different components in a circuit to do different jobs.
  • Set up simple circuits using a buzzer or a motor to realise that electricity does not only make a bulb light but for example can make a motor turn.
This video is an introduction to electricity. Using a simple model of the atom, electrons are presented as the charged particles that carry electrical energy in most circuits. The video includes a demonstration of series and parallel circuits.


TASK: The second timen students watch the video will make a list with new words and write a sentece with each one.


TASK 1: Vocabulary with

Students work in pairs these flashcards. They explain each other the meaning of the chosen words using the information provided by the glossary.

TASK 2: Electricity in our home.
 Electricity plays a huge part in our everyday lives. Whether it is at home, at school, the local shopping centre or our parents' workplace, our daily routines rely heavily on the use of electricity. 
From the time we wake up in the morning until we hit the pillow at night, our daily life is dependent on electricity. Write a list of 10 activities you do in your life that need electricity.

SESSION 3:  Interactive activities. 

Students worked in computer class with clips of BBC

SESSION 4 and 5:  Experiments

We worked in the workshop to make the following experiments.



To reinforce the unit the students worked on activities designed for them:


1 comentario:

  1. hola! Muchas gracias por compartir tus ideas. he intentado entrar en la parte de experimentos pero me prduce error todo el rato. Dónde encontraste la ficha?
    Muchas gracias.
